Yesterday, the Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered the School Street Call In instigated by Medway Conservatives. Regretfully, the Labour majority voted to return the scheme to the Cabinet with no changes or questions.
Councillor Andrew Lawrence, Shadow Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Community and Housing, said:
“At last evening’s call in meeting, we heard from residents affected by the imposition of a scheme and their concerns. Without the call in those voices would have not been heard. Our aim was to challenge the Council on the selection of sites and was based on evidence that demonstrated that there will be good impact for the inconvenience caused to resident and public money being spent.
Our own research shows that the group of young people most at risk of a road traffic incident is the 12-15 age group and not primary school children. I will continue to call on the Cabinet and the Portfolio Holder to demonstrate that each scheme implemented is based in evidence. At the end of the day without the Government funding we would not be entering into this scheme.
The next stage is the statutory consultation process which we will engage with to ensure that the impact on residents is minimised and continue to challenge on the evidence that supports each scheme.”
Leader of the Opposition, Councillor George Perfect added:
“Yesterday evening’s meeting provided a good opportunity for scrutiny to do its most important function, reviewing Cabinet decisions following a call in. My thanks to residents that attended the meeting for their efforts, and to those that submitted written evidence.
The Medway Conservatives will continue to hold the administration to account.”