Leader Alan Jarrett today joined Tracey Crouch MP at the Victory Academy in Chatham for one of the many free Pensioner information and advice fairs that are hosted across Tracey's constituency.
All pensioners, their families, friends and carers in Medway are invited to attend these free events - which provide a forum to share information and advice about local services, support and activities that are available locally.
Up to 60 organisations have stalls at the event and tea, coffee and cake is also available to all visitors.
Recognising that with a little extra support older people can live well and provide an outstanding contribution to the community, Tracey is committed to taking a proactive approach, and Medway Conservatives are delighted to support this initiative every step of the way.
For more information on the Pensioner's Fairs, please visit www.traceycrouch.org/campaigns/pensioners-information-and-advice-fairs